To Bekki and Alev. ;)
Everything starts a couple of months ago when I first had the chance to listen to some of the magical music of Poets of the Fall. I felt again that warm feeling I had years ago when I was just looking around in Sonata Arctica's world. For a few days the Poets became from "just a band" to "the second best band I have ever heard". The standart procedure was started: looking for info on this and that person from the band until I found out that mr. Marko Saaresto is born on the 5th of December (different year than me, but this is not significant for the case... :P ), then I did a research over his old projects until I found Playground. With a lot of effort and googling and downloading torrents I finally got my hands on the album. At that time I got a couple of pms from Alev and we began talking about Marko. A bit later Bekki came and soon the Trinity was formed. Yesterday, while waisting time at facebook I looked over my birthday calendar and noticed Bekki is born on the 3rd of December. Alev too is a December child, 15th. And so I shared with the latter that we're all born in December and she just said "We are the December People..". Don't ask why, I thought of the December Family and after a few minutes of looking for pictures and a bit of work in ACD Photocanvas the first family portrait came to be.
I suppose some of you would wanna join the happiest family on earth, but I'll have to disappoint you... no vacancies. There is, however the possibility we take someone in, but under the conditions that it will suffice for him to have the opportunity to speak with Marko (The Wizard :P ) himself and use the family name freely... also clean, cook, wash the clothes etc. while we are busy...
"while we are busy..."
xD xD xD xD