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X-Men Origins: Wolverine

"Last night, a stolen, incomplete and early version of X-Men Origins: Wolverine was posted illegally on a website. It was without many effects, had missing and unedited scenes and temporary sound and music. We immediately contacted the appropriate legal authorities and had it removed. We forensically mark our content so we can identify sources that make it available or download it. The source of the initial leak and any subsequent postings will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law – the courts have handed down significant criminal sentences for such acts in the past. The FBI and the MPAA also are actively investigating this crime. We are encouraged by the support of fansites condemning this illegal posting and pointing out that such theft undermines the enormous efforts of the filmmakers and actors, and above all, hurts the fans of the film."

Yes, it did leak.
Yes, it is a "crappy" version of the movie.
Yet fans like me, and I believe I'm not alone out there, downloaded and watched it out of pure curiousity. Seeing the unfinished version of it, with many of the CGI effects missing, with ropes visible, with blue-screen scenes and all that only made me more eager to line up for the first screening in my country. I will go see it in the cinema, even though I disliked a lot of things about it.
I have to say, it was a wonderful, new experience to me, seeing the half-finished movie. The ready product no longer holds that much interest to me, honestly. Seeing this workprint was like being part of the cast and crew for me.
Honestly, I see no point in "condemning this illegal posting". It will happen eventually and I have to say that a lot of people are actually put off by the idea of seeing the unfinished product. I believe seeding will fade quite quickly and before you know it everyone would've forgotten such workprint ever leaked.
Only by seeing the unfinished copy of the movie can I now really appreciate the months of work a movie requires until it comes to us, the humble audience. Call me twisted, but I think we need to see more workprints to really appreciate the whole process of sometimes years for a 2-hour experience...
Quite contrary to what was stated, I think leakage of such unfinished material is what makes us appreciate the filmmakers' efforts to provide us with such wonderful movies.
I'd like to ask every single member of those "condemning" fansites, how many of you own legal copies of the already released X-Men movies?
I do.
How many of you own any comic book ever released from the X-Men series from Marvel?
I do.
And yet I'm not a member of any fansites and I support this leakage.
Stop seeing the half-empty glass and start seeing the half-full glass, people!

X-Men Origins: Wolverine-loving Replica.


A.S.Birov said…
I don't get it... you have readers from the US or you just want the article to be understandable for everyone who may eventually find it through Google? Whatever. I'll try to write you a comment in English too, just to keep it understandable. Right...

I've just wanted to say that you're right about few things but I'll share my opinion for just two:
1.Every real fan should support the thing he likes (no matter if it's a comic book, or a movie, or a band, or wrestling in my case).
2.The work that is needed for the process of making a movie is something that not many people think about. It's sad but that's how the world works. The intellectual stealing is a good example.

And that's it. You have very interesting opinion about the leaked workprint. Hope that you'll enjoy the movie more when you watch it in a cinema :)

PS: I didn't download the movie. But I will when it hits the theaters. Why? I'm not such a big fan. And I'll need money for the Bizkit's concert and new album.
Neeyla said…
First of all, I wrote this one in English since it would be understandable for a wider audience, that will be able, like you, to say why they agree or disagree with what I wrote. I'm not aiming for popularity or anything. ;)

I completely agree a fan should support by buying and I do it as much as I can with as many things as possible. What bothers me that there are hardcore fans out there who never in their life even thought about buying a CD/DVD/comic book. See the point here? :)
As for the second point made, this is what I call people being shallow and like a herd. They aim for the ready material and never care how many sleepless nights someone spent to make this 2-hour experience they will trash-talk enjoyable for them.
I, on the other hand, am a sucker for knowing how things are made, no matter if I'd ever do a movie or record an album or perform a gig. Details matter to me.

And since the people over at Fox seem as much a part of the herd as everyone else, I felt obliged to say those things. No one ever looks the coin at both sides, and sometimes, most of the times, people need to do it.

Regards and thanks for following and commenting! ;)
Anonymous said…
I just LOL'd. This piracy thing is getting on my nerves... I will download the movie and watch it now, only because FOX says I shouldn't. Money-loving retards...
Neeyla said…
It's not even the finished thing, I don't see what the big deal is anyway...
Nenko said…
Actually the thing I enjoyed the most about this movie was that I watched the workprint and it was a curious inside view at the SFX and CGI going on during post production.

I think that Marvel just ruined the X-Men movie series, which were quite decent, unlike all that blockbuster crap that they release...
Neeyla said…
It was definitely a cool insight. And I have to agree they kinda ruined X-Men.
Now that I saw the ready movie, I was quite disappointed. Seems to me like they didn't put much effort in making the effects look good, for some reason...
A.S.Birov said…
The problem for me has nothing to do with the effects. I think the worst thing about X-men Origins: Wolverine was its script. Yeah, the idea to show the origins of the Wolverine character is great. But to successfully accomplish this task you have to concentrate audience's attention on few strong characters, not to fill the movie with some minor, non-important mutants just to make it more spectacular. That was the thing that I was most annoyed about.

I really hope that the next mutant movies we'll see (Origins: Magneto and Deadpool) we'll be somehow better, hopefully with more complicated story instead of too much CGI bullshit.

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