Спомням си когато говореше с мен сякаш никой друг не съществуваше. Какво стана? Защо спря? Спомням си и когато говореше с мен за това, което беше тогава и как търсеше подкрепа, защото единствената друга възможност беше да се сринеш. Какво стана?
Аз съм още тук, още съм до теб, още те подкрепям, или поне се опитвам.
Ти си още тук, дали си до мен?
Има ли как да върнем онова, което беше?
Спомням си колко пъти съм те питала накъде да вървя и колко пъти не си ме подвеждал. Спомням си как вярвах и все още вярвам на това, което ми казваш... защото винаги знаеш какво да ми кажеш.
Искам когато се обърна да си там... защото ми липсва дори да си говоря с теб.
Спомням си когато говореше с мен сякаш никой друг не съществуваше...
“You used to talk to me like
I was the only one around.
You used to lean on me like
the only other choice was falling down.
You used to walk with me like
we had nowhere we needed to go -
nice and slow, to no place in particular.
We used to have this figured out;
we used to breathe without a doubt.
When nights were clear, you were the first star that I'd see.
We used to have this under control.
We never thought.
We used to know.
At least there's you, and at least there's me.
Can we get this back?
Can we get this back to how it used to be?
I used to reach for you when
I got lost along the way.
I used to listen.
You always had just the right thing to say.
I used to follow you.
Never really cared where we would go -
fast or slow, to anywhere at all.
We used to have this figured out;
We used to breathe without a doubt.
When nights were clear, you were the first star that I'd see.
We used to have this under control.
We never thought.
We used to know.
At least there's you, and at least there's me.
Can we get this back?
Can we get this back to how it used to be?
I look around me
and I want you to be there
'Cause I miss the things that we shared…
Look around you -
it's empty, and you're sad
'Cause you miss the love that we had…
You used to talk to me like
I was the only one around…
We used to have this figured out;
We used to breathe without a doubt.
When nights were clear, you were the first star that I'd see.
We used to have this under control.
We never thought.
We used to know.
At least there's you, and at least there's me.
Can we get this back?
Can we get this back to how it used to be?...”