“Every living creature on earth dies alone.”
We’re born alone, we live alone, we die alone.
That’s the truth. No matter how much we try to connect to someone in our lives, no matter how hard we struggle to create a circle of friends, a family, people we trust, we all end up alone.
We’re the most hypocritical species on earth.
We lie to each other’s faces that we’ll be with someone forever.
We lie we will be there for each other no matter what happens.
We make vows, we swear on blood, on past, on emotions, on things.
And we find a way around those vows, around our own vows. We forsake them. And in the end we are alone. We never really care for anyone, we exist.
We’re told by our parents that they’ll always be there for us, but the truth is that the parents won’t understand you. Your friends will be there as long as you’re needed, as long as you’re of use to them. Your family, the people you love, will be there because that’s what society tells them to do.
You can only rely on yourself to survive.
You’re the one who can save you.
You’re the one who will support you in times of need.
You. No family, no friends, no loved ones.
And people who embrace the sweet feeling of misanthropy are right to do so...
Wir sind ein Ebenbild des Hasses, der uns entstellt.
Wir sind die Fratze der Verwesung, die uns befällt.
Wir, der Gestank der Selbstverleugnung, der uns betört:
Die höchste Krone jener Schöpfung,
Die einzige Rasse, die sich selbst zerstört.
Grieving, loving and crying,
We’re born alone, we live alone, we die alone.
That’s the truth. No matter how much we try to connect to someone in our lives, no matter how hard we struggle to create a circle of friends, a family, people we trust, we all end up alone.
We’re the most hypocritical species on earth.
We lie to each other’s faces that we’ll be with someone forever.
We lie we will be there for each other no matter what happens.
We make vows, we swear on blood, on past, on emotions, on things.
And we find a way around those vows, around our own vows. We forsake them. And in the end we are alone. We never really care for anyone, we exist.
We’re told by our parents that they’ll always be there for us, but the truth is that the parents won’t understand you. Your friends will be there as long as you’re needed, as long as you’re of use to them. Your family, the people you love, will be there because that’s what society tells them to do.
You can only rely on yourself to survive.
You’re the one who can save you.
You’re the one who will support you in times of need.
You. No family, no friends, no loved ones.
And people who embrace the sweet feeling of misanthropy are right to do so...
Wir sind ein Ebenbild des Hasses, der uns entstellt.
Wir sind die Fratze der Verwesung, die uns befällt.
Wir, der Gestank der Selbstverleugnung, der uns betört:
Die höchste Krone jener Schöpfung,
Die einzige Rasse, die sich selbst zerstört.
Grieving, loving and crying,