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The Discipline of Steel

Най-сетне се докопах до кууултовото EP на Kiuas - The Discipline of Steel. Съдържа четири велики песни, коя от коя по-хубави. Сингъла започва с невероятната Until we reach the Shore, следвана от Behind the Glass. Следва кратичката The Wisdon of Steel и кулминацията на всичко е по-епичната дори и от The Power of One на Sonata Arctica, The Discipline of Steel. Последната е с продължителност 11:51 минути и умело съчетава келтската митология с финската Калевала, вплитайки и малко от историята на Конан. Песента е изключително разнообразна откъм темпо и мелодии и всеки би могъл да намери по нещо за себе си в нея. Илия отново е показал завидните си гласови умения, пък и колегите му са се постарали с аранжимента. :)
Пожелавам на групата да продължава все в същия дух и стискам палци на себе си и останалите й български фенове скоро да ги видят на живо. ;)

The Discipline of Steel

In the ancient times
The power was handed to the chosen one
To manifest itself in a dark form
Summon fire, conjure a storm.
Hear this oh child of light
The darkness calls you near
The sons of Crom are here
To show you the discipline of steel

Hark! We've arrived
To start a war in the name of ancient darkness
Death! To infidels
The chaos is here once again
Hark! We've arrived
To start a war in the name of ancient darkness
Death! To infidels
The chaos is here once again

Try to ignore it, try to despise it
But deep inside you fear it
The prophets have seen it
Now it's time for you to receive it
Some crave it, some hate it
We bleed to death to create it
We grind it, we create it
We'd start a war to save it

Soon your powerless Gods will be cast aside
As the war drums pound under a red sky
An ancient chill whispers the coming of a new age
Dark shadows call to silence the cries of an easy prey

Hark! We've arrived
To start a war in the name of ancient darkness
Death! To infidels
The chaos is here once again
Hark! We've arrived
To start a war in the name of ancient darkness
Death! To infidels
The chaos is here once again

Try to ignore it, try to despise it
But deep inside you fear it
The prophets have seen it
Now it's time for you to receive it
Some crave it, some hate it
We bleed to death to create it
We grind it, we create it
We'd start a war to save it

Spoken Word:
Between the time when the oceans drank Atlantis,
and the rise of the sons of Aryas, there was an age undreamed of.
And onto this, Conan, destined to wear the jeweled crown of
Aquilonia upon a troubled brow. It is I, his chronicler,
who alone can tell thee of his saga.
Let me tell you of the days of high adventure!

"Neiet käyä notkutteli, astui immet pilven äärtä
utarilla uhkuvilla, nännillä pakottavilla.
Lypsit maalle maitojansa, uhkutit utariansa;
lypsit maille, lypsit soille, lypsit vienoille vesille.

Yksi lypsi mustan maion: vanhimpainen neitosia;
toinen valkean valutti: keskimäinen neitosia;
kolmas puikutti punaisen: nuorimpainen neitosia.

Ku on lypsi mustan maion, siitä syntyi meltorauta;
ku on valkean valutti, siit' on tehtynä teräkset;
ku on puikutti punaisen, siit' on saatu rääkyrauta."

...but always there remained the discipline of steel.

Hark! We've arrived
To start a war in the name of ancient darkness
Death! To infidels
The chaos is here once again
Hark! We've arrived
To start a war in the name of ancient darkness
Death! To infidels
The chaos is here once again

Try to ignore it, try to despise it
But deep inside you fear it
The prophets have seen it
Now it's time for you to receive it
Some crave it, some hate it
We bleed to death to create it
We grind it, we create it
We'd start a war to save it

We start a war to save it
We start a war to save it
We start a war to save it
We start a fuckin' war to save it!


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