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On LGBT, hate and Eurovision

So last night was Eurovision. The only reason I know that is because my facebook news feed EXPLODED with posts about Conchita Wurst. They ranged anywhere from hate to love and adoration and expressed views on both her appearance, the reason why she won and not that many on the song itself. My news feed exploded with posts about her some months ago when she was announced as the official representative for Austria. Back then people hated on her and said she doesn’t deserve to be at Eurovision (rough quote). All this really bothers me for a number of reasons. 1) The easiest thing ANYONE can do is to hate on someone who has achieved something in life. And then love them when they win and with that win do something for you, directly or indirectly. I don’t understand why is it so hard to support someone ALL THE WAY TO SUCCESS and not just at the top. The ROAD is the hardest, celebrating the win is the easiest. 2) I’m TIRED of people being intolerant towards others....
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Well, we're already 35 days into 2014 and I guess this post comes a little late, but I didn't get the urge to write it until now, so here goes. I set a lot of goals for my 2014 self in my contemplative period between my birthday and New Year's Eve and to be honest the list has been growing all the time with constant tiny new little challenges. I guess I need a place to keep track of all this and I don't mind it being public. As little and insignificant as these things might be, they are my little victories and they matter to me. This list will most probably expand as this year progresses, so just in case you're interested, check in from time to time. I will also mark goals I have reached no matter how tiny. I will keep track of my progress on every goal and update accordingly. In 2014 I will: be drama-free for at least (a total of) 10 months this year  (1 down) get rid of everything and everyone negative in my life  (currently identifying negatives) learn ...

Some bands feel like family to me.

So, I had this sudden realization some days ago that there are some (very few, but existent) bands that feel like a part of my essence. OneRepublic have grown to be one of those bands and I'm eternally mad at myself from 6 years ago for not getting into them back then and eternally grateful to my 2012 self that decided to finally give them a proper listen and to my 2013 self for completely falling in love with the awesome people they all are and the amazing music they create.  Their beauty is in that they pour their completely human emotions into songs and manage to create lyrics that you can relate to, at least 90% of the time. Their beauty is in that they are extremely down to earth everyday people who just happen to create music you can relate to. Their beauty is in that through that music they teach so many lessons. And that is why I fell in love with them and why they will always hold a special place in my heart. So today morning, as I was watching something, I came across t...
Because this band is of significance for various reasons.  Because this song is of significance to me and you know it. Your defenses were on high, your walls built deep inside. Yeah, I'm a selfish bastard, but at least I'm not alone. My intentions never change, what I wanted stays the same and I know what I should do, it's time to set myself on fire. Your reflection I've erased like a thousand burned out yesterdays. Believe me when I say goodbye; forever is for good. Was it a dream? Is this the only evidence that proves it - a photograph of you and I... in love...

Писмо до любимия мъж

Ти не се страхуваше да плуваш в дълбокото. И полудях по теб. Обърнах живота си на сто и осемдесет градуса и скочих. В дълбокото. Не умеех кой знае колко да плувам, но вярвах, че двамата ще се държим, когато някой се умори. Но теб те нямаше там.  Цапах с ръце и крака, държах главата си над бездната и се опитвах да не мисля за нея. За миг се вцепенявах, когато ме прерязваше мисълта колко незначителна съм за живота и колко несъществена за света. Тогава усещах как краката ми натежават като грях, а ръцете ми са пречупени пориви. И студените пластове ме засмукват надолу. Към мрака.   Много пъти се разделях мислено и много пъти търсех думите на прошката, която никога не изрекох. И после някаква животинска сила ме изтласкваше отново за поредната глътка въздух. И следващото загребване напред.   Понякога си мислех, че виждам острова, където ти вече си пристигнал и ме чакаш... И това винаги се оказваше гърба на нечия чужда мечта.   Понякога виждах и перките на ак...

Sad, but true: Twenty-something ways to know you're twenty-something

To all my twenty-something friends  1) There is a nagging suspicion in your brain that there’s something missing. Not missing as in “Shit I lost my cell phone.” But missing as in, you wake up in the morning not really sure of your path in life, if this is really what you want to do, and if this perpetual hangover is really how life is supposed to feel.  2) Your finances are constantly subject to new “budgeting” attempts, new excel spreadsheets, new financial plans, and yet never really seem to accumulate as quickly as your friends say theirs do.  3) Your friends’ jobs are all better than yours  4) Your friends’ apartments are all better than yours.  5) If you’re single you are worried you’ll die alone, if you’re in a relationship you’re constantly worried if “this is the one” and otherwise you’re newly engaged and everyone else is jealous but you’re worried about becoming a divorce statistic. Really though, everyone just lives ...

Feed Me Dust

Feed me dust and let me drown, wash my memories of you. Feed me dust and make me frown, as I wash you clean of me. Feed me lies and broken dreams and let me have illusions. Feed me promises and sweetest things, but never be for me. Feed me everything you want and think that I believe it. Feed me everything you want and never forget me. 01.09.2012 Replica